Friday 1 January 2016

Last finish of 2015...looking forward to the 2016 stitching season.

This Mill Hill Sassy Spider is my last finish for 2015.

This is for my friend Lynne. I have another project I am working on for her. We did a Halloween and a Christmas cross stitch exchange...sadly I lost my stitching bug after finishing the spider and didn't really pick up my needle again until yesterday. 

Seeing all my friends working on different projects around the world I felt jealous that I couldn't find my stitching bug to stitch and at the same time guilty because I wasn't stitching Lynne's exchange. 

I am happy to report that I found my bug yesterday!! I worked on the project all afternoon and once I'm done writing this blog I will work on it some more. 

I can't believe how many beads are in this project! I might have to redo this project for myself. I am really enjoying it. 

In 2015 (with the help of my rotation schedule) I managed to get seven projects done. Out of the ten original UFOs that I had I completed four...the other three were new projects I started. So...I'm going to try and finish some projects before I add any new projects. 

Time to get back to some stitching!

Sunday 27 December 2015


Once again it has been months since I last posted anything. 

You would think since being laid off at the end of June would mean that I have had a lot of time on my hands but it doesn't seem to be the case and my life is about to start getting busier again in February. I'm going to be back in school doing a double major in Anthopology and History (because I don't have enough on my plate as is)!

I'm so excited I can hardly wait to start! It will be a lot of reading and paper writing but I think I'm up to the challenge. 

I haven't picked up my cross stitching in a couple of months. I'm starting to miss it again so I'll pick it up today.  

Since I last wrote I completed two small Lizzie Kate designs and a Mill Hill Kit. I have another Mill Hill Kit to complete before I can can get back to my regular stitching.  I'm so close to finishing plum and a half pages and then the beads! I'm so close I can taste it! But first I need to finish my Christmas exchange for my friend and then I can get back to my regular stitching. 

Hopefully between school and girl guides I will find some time each day to get some stitching in. 

Off to stitch!!


Sunday 26 April 2015

Too long!!

I have been so sick the last six weeks that I hadn't picked up my needle until last night. 

I started two new projects so my 10 project limit has been thrown out the window. I will be posting pictures as I go...although one project is at the bottom of the pile even though I only worked on it for an hour. The reason for that is long and complicated and I really don't want to go into it..

The other project I started is the Lily Fairy by Joan Elliott. I only got about an hour of stitching in yesterday but I'm loving the colours and the fabric!!  (Again, I'll post pics later). 

I just wanted everyone to know that I am alive and well. I promise to be posting more now that I am feeling better and more like myself. I think the stitching bug has replaced the cold bug!!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Plum Pudding, a project that won't leave my hands

It has been over a week since I have been able to last post. I have been working for the last two weeks on a temp assignment, needless to say that it has been cutting into my stitching time!

Last Sunday I finished page four of plum pudding (minus the beading)! 

It was about 1030 Sunday night when I finished the page. I didn't touch my project again until yesterday afternoon. 

My sister was over (I had been at a brownie sleepover the night before so she was taking care of sprocket), we had some fun crafting time while watching movies. 

I had put it down for an hour or so at one point. I was tired from the sleepover and was having a hard time concentrating on the project. Sections of the pieces were on page five and others were on page six. Once I was able to line up the pages properly without more confusion I picked up my needle again until I was too tired to stitch anymore. 

This is where I left off last. 

Today I am finishing off page five and starting on page six. 

I can't seem to put this project down and that is a problem for my other projects! I suppose the faster I finish this project the faster I'll be able to get back to my other projects that need my attention. They are peaking my attention again but not as much as plum pudding. 

It's a cold day so I am sure that I will accomplish a lot today. There was even the mention of the word 'snow' today, a stitching day indeed!


Wednesday 4 March 2015

Stitchy Weekend

It was great to get away this past weekend and stitch to my heart's content without any responsibilities. 

I accomplished quite a bit too! It was odd for me though...I was the only one cross stitching while bestie was working on her dollhouse, another lady was making rag quilts and the rest were scrapbooking. The women that were scrapbooking have made me want to dig out my scrapbooking supplies and start making cards again. I will concentrate on my current projects first. 

I finished my pirate stitch which was five-six years in the making and I also worked on plum pudding. 

Saturday I stayed up way way too late stitching. I haven't stayed up that late to since we had the massive flooding in the city and I couldn't turn away from the news. This time around I was so jacked up on sugar and cappuccinos I couldn't sleep so I stitched...and stitched I did!

That above picture is what I completed Saturday night. I am sure I could of kept stitching for a couple more hours but I needed to be up at ten for breakfast so I sadly went to bed. 

After breakfast that morning I stitched all this!

I'm not sure if I want to continue working on this one or if I should put it down and start working on another of my WIPs on my list. I'm almost done this page...I think I'll finish this page and then move on to my next project...I'll only have five left after that! Progress indeed!

I think it is stitching up quickly! Bestie calls me the turbo stitcher. She says she doesn't know anyone else that can stitch as fast and as neatly as me. She and Andy are my biggest stitching supporters! Love you guys!!

More update pictures when I've completed the page.


Sunday 1 March 2015

What is that?...Another finish?

Well, I've done it again! I have another finish under my belt...that's number four!!! Woohoo!!

It's the second Sue Hillis pirate design I've done. The first one that I completed was for Andy and it says "love pirate ye've blundered me heart". I had started this one first but it was one of those that eventually made its home in a box to be forgotten. 

This is one of the projects I found after I started the rotation schedule. I only have one small project on the schedule right now. 

My latest finish was a real joy to stitch. I don't think there was any bad part of it even with all the quarter stitches and the back stitching. 

I have one more of the pirates design all kitted up and ready to go but I think for now I will concentrate on my bigger projects and try and knock a couple of those before Istart another project...whether it is a big project or a small one. 


Thursday 26 February 2015

Mark That Down As Another Finish!

I finished another project last night! The frog plagued me yesterday and the day before but I finally got it done around 10pm. 

Heather asked me to stitch an H for her about six years ago.  It was my first time stitching with silk over-dyed threads. 

I really liked working on the project but eventually got bored and started another project. The above picture is from my first rotation (after picking it up after six years). 

I could of finished it if I kept working through the first ten hours of the first rotation. The above picture is from last night. 

Heather told me there was no rush in finishing it (after I told her I was determined to finish it). I told her to forget was going to get done come hell or high water.  

Here is the finished product: 

All I need to do is spot wash it and put my signature on it. 

I'm on a freaking roll! That's three finishes this year!! I've finished more projects this year than I did in five years!... Let's blame the horrible divorce that took away my will for stitching. I can't believe it took me so long to get back into the swing of things. 

I'm almost always stitching. I can't sit idly while watching TV, my hands have to always be busy. It drives me crazy if I'm not doing something with my hands while I'm watching TV. 

There is another project that is close to being finished so I'm off to do my chores and then I'm going to stitch the rest of the day away!

One more sleep until the stitching retreat! How much will I get done this weekend?!


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Rotation Round Two

Are you all sick of me talking about the rotation schedule? I feel like I am Sheldon Cooper talking about the roommate agreement!

I know I have been talking about it a lot...I've been doing some thinking on this. The first rotation I completed I worked on the projects in order they were listed on the chart. It's not working that way this time around. I am not feeling some of the projects right now and I want to work on others but they are further down on the rotation schedule. 

So new thought!

Work on the projects that I want to work on now and move onto the other ones at the end BUT I have to work on all my WIPs before starting a new round in the rotation. 

I'm putting down my dragon because for whatever reason I'm not feeling him right now. I want to finish the H for Heather and I think I can finish it by tomorrow. 

There are other projects I also want to start...this is a problem...I, Amanda, am a serial starter. That being said...I've already completed two projects this year and I am on my way to completely three more...maybe even before I head off to my retreat!

I'm going to stitch for a bit before I head off to Sparks. 


Monday 23 February 2015

Random Updates and Thoughts

This weekend my best friend and I are going on a cross stitching retreat. I'm so excited that I can hardly wait! This means that I have a lot of work ahead of me before I go, not only do I need to clean my house but I also need to get through a bunch of stitching projects so I can work some of my more fun projects.

Today I need to work on my Fantasy SAL (stitch-a-long). I really like the dragon portion I am working on right now. I'm not convinced yet about the unicorn. I will definitely thinking about it. A suggestion was given to me I make the dragon and the unicorn into two separate pieces instead of it being one piece. More decisions to make but I'm going to finish the dragon first and think of it as I work my way through the rotation. This is a Joan Elliott design. 

If I work hard and fast this week I might be able to actually get three projects done. I would be able to start a project that Andy bought me for Christmas. I'm so excited!! It's a large piece and it has a lot of kreinik and beading (of course it's a Joan Elliott design). I have to say that Joan is my absolute favourite designer. 

My first completed piece was one of her designs. It was a baby sampler for my friend who was becoming a great auntie. I didn't realise then that it was a JE design!! I was just proud of myself for completing the project. 

I didn't do French knots...I didn't get the hang of them until recently. I used seed beads. My friend's daughter did the framing and I think it turned out fabulous!! There was a lot of back stitching on it...that took the longest out of the whole process...that and the letters! Good grief the letters!! I had a lot of trouble centring the letters!! Maybe that is what took the longest lol!

This has turned into a total random post! I had initially wanted this post to be about the upcoming retreat this weekend but it has turned into more of a JE post than anything else. That's ok though...I love working on JE's designs. I currently have four on the go and I will have another one as soon as I finish my three small ones that I want to finish before starting another project. 

I have also realised that my blog has morphed into a cross stitch blog...again that is ok. I'm currently not working so cross stitching is all I am doing (besides cleaning my house, taking care of Sprocket and looking for work). I know when I am working again I will start my postcards again and some of my other hobbies...put mainly my postcards. My writing may become more diverse but cross stitching is still my passion. 


Monday 16 February 2015

Once Upon a Time

I've been writing about my Once Upon a Time project for a couple of weeks down. I started this back in May 2014. I worked on it straight for six weeks and then sporadically since. 

I lost my stitching bug ( eagerness or willingness to stitch) for a long time...mostly when I was working a retail job and I would come home completely exhausted. So from the end of September until the end of December I hardly picked up my needle. Once Christmas was over and I wasn't constantly running around to work or to spend time with family I picked up my needle again. 

Besides having my loving (and rambunctious) puppy, Sprocket, my needle and thread has kept me sane. It is really hard living so far from Andy right now. I wish I was home in Minnesota. Ok, ok I'm definitely getting sidetracked!! Back to my project. 

I worked on this for 20 hours not being able to put it down. When I did put it down I had finished the castle portion of it. There are more more done on it now. 

The only reason I had put it down was because I had started the rotation schedule. This week I went back to this project for the first time in six weeks! I had a lot of trouble with it this week. I just couldn't get into it and there was a mistake in it that needed to be reverse stitched. 

I worked on it for ten hours and it is being put aside until the next round. If I decide to pick up again before this rotation is complete im ok with that, if not that's ok too. It will get done! I think I'm almost halfway done. Once I've finished the regular stitching I'll have the back stitching (with the dmc floss and kreinik) and beading. 

This is where I leave Once Upon a Time:


Sunday 15 February 2015

My stitching bug has gone and left me

I finished my first rotation of my projects and I'm struggling with round two. I can't get into my Once Upon a Time. It's by my most favourite designer Joan Elliott. I'm not sure why I am having so much trouble with it. I love the pattern!! I have since the first day I saw it!

Maybe I should just pick up a project that it calling to me? As long as I don't start another project until I've completed one then it would be ok right? I usually need structure and a set plan in place but perhaps I've structured this too much. Or maybe it is because it is a project that I have a deadline on and that's why I am feeling 'meh' towards it. 

 I'll get through this little funk, I always do. I'm more than halfway through my ten hours on Once Upon a Time so I will push through it and move on to another project. 

So I'll clean up my house and maybe play with my cross stitch stash (procrastination I know!) before getting back to my stitching...maybe my stitching bug will return to me today and I will find some peace in stitching. 


Thursday 12 February 2015

Organising and then what happens?!

I decided to organise some of my cross stitching stash on Monday this week. It all started when I was cleaning out the garage. I still have a bunch of boxes from my old life with my ex husband. A lot of the stuff is trash now since he wrecked it and I'm slowly making my way through the boxes. On Monday I got rid of three more boxes of stuff.

I managed to salvage a box of dmc floss and a couple of dmc floss boxes. After I came back into the house is when I decided to try and organise my stuff.

In the process of organising I found two more WIPs! I thought I was making progress but it sure doesn't feel like it when I am back up to ten projects on my rotation schedule. In reality I have made progress because I have finished two projects this year! Can you believe it it? I know I can't! For all those that know me in person you know that I am a serial starter and last year I didn't complete a single project! I started a few but I never finished any. This will be the year of finishes, of that I am certain!

The WIPs are now on my schedule, they are small projects so they will stitch up quickly! The WIPs are at the bottom of the rotation schedule and I'm starting at the top instead of continuing at the bottom. 

I am having trouble concentrating on my current WIP and I've thought about working on another but I'm going to try and keep with the schedule.  On the plus side I think I'll have three finishes next rotation!!...More accomplishments!!

Happy musings my friends!


Wednesday 11 February 2015

Plum Pudding

It's been about a week since I last posted. I was working like crazy on Plum Pudding. I couldn't put it down!! 

It's being done on 28 count linen with dinky dyes hand dyed silk threads. There are only six threads. I love how the colours are changing as I work my way through a section! 

I couldn't put it down all week, I was on such a roll I couldn't stop! Total amount of hours last week was 41.5! 

Here is the last update picture I took. There was a little more done but I took it off the qsnaps and its with the rest of the WIPs in my stitching basket. 

This project was the last project in my rotation schedule so now I'm back at the top. I put it away because I kept finding mistakes and I had to keep fixing them. I knew it was time to put it away for awhile. 

This is what it will look like when it is completed. 

I haven't picked up any stitching in four days. Once upon a time is begging me to pick it up and stitch it and maybe today I'll finally listen and pick it up. 

Happy musings my friends, it's time to pick up the needle and create little kisses on my fabric. 


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Rotation schedule? What rotation schedule?

I started working on the last project on my rotation schedule and do you think I have been able to put it down? I've worked on it for about 21.5 hours...two x's in my schedule...that's not the point though...I put a rotation schedule in place so I make progress on all my WIPs. I promised that I wouldn't have any UFOs this year, so far I've worked on every single WIP that I have.  

I'm really loving the pattern I'm working on (Plum Pudding). I know that as soon as a) finish the pattern or b) get bored of the pattern I will move on back to the top of the rotation. For now I think I will continue working on Plum Pudding. At the rate I'm working on It I think I'll be done by the end of February! I don't think I have ever stitched a large pattern that quickly before. 

The WIP is beside me on the couch as I am writing this and my fingers are itching to pick up the needle again. I'm not minding the linen at all and I'm loving the silk threads too! I guess that saying 'never say never' comes into play here. 

Since I have one space available on my rotation I was going to add one of the patterns that Andy got me but since I'm concentrating all my attention on Plum Pudding I think it would be wise to finish another project (besides plum pudding...if I am still able to put it down) before adding another one.

For now my rotation schedule has been put aside, although I am marking my progress (every 10 hours) on the project I am working on. We shall see how much longer I work on this one before moving on again.

Next entry I will show you all plum pudding. 

Happy Musings!


Monday 2 February 2015

Linen, linen, linen

I think I found what the problem is with my supposed hate for linen.

I was using crappy linen for that Jacobean design!! I've picked up projects with linen since getting rid of that project and it isn't that bad! I still have to say that I prefer evenweave BUT if I have good quality linen then I like working on it. 

I'm working on a project called Plum Pudding (project post to follow) and I groaned when I realised that the fabric I had was linen!! The work I have done on it so far seems to be even. The crosses look good and I'm happy with it! 

It seems to be the case as well with my Spring Queen and the H. There are only a couple of crosses that look a little wonky. In the greater scheme of things a few wonky crosses aren't going to make that much difference and unless you are specifically looking for the wonky ones you won't be able to find them!

Time for some stitching therapy!

Happy musings!


Sunday 1 February 2015

Spring Queen

I started this project seven years ago...I picked it out when I went to my first stitch and bitch (a 12 hour gathering of fellow stitchers where we stitch and bitch)...we don't always stitch, there was the yarn and fabric store, the candy store and the ice cream shop!! was my first project on linen. I started the project and I brought it over to my babi's house to show her. She said I would never finish it. I was disappointed and a little hurt that she thought I would never finish it. That being said though when I was little she gave me two projects to do and I didn't finish either. So I promised her I would finish it. 

I worked on it straight for a few months but you know me...I get bored easily and I'd find new projects and work on those. This is where I left the project:

Babi passed away a few years ago and I put the project away. I didn't have the heart to work in the project, so it sat in a box untouched for years. Occasionally I would see the box and think about working on the project but I couldn't bring myself to work on it. 

Needless to say the Spring Queen was put on the rotation schedule. I was almost dreading the project. I thought it would be too emotional for me to work on the project. I wasn't emotional like I thought I would be. I plugged through my ten hours.

I finished the ribbons, the bouquet (minus the back stitching), and some of the dress. 

I'm happy with this way that this has turned out so far. It will not be going back into a box.

Another x on my rotation schedule! 

Happy stitching and musings!


Tuesday 27 January 2015

Summer Ball

TSince it has been a few days since I last posted anything I thought I should update you all on my cross stitching.

Over the weekend I worked on Summer Ball. 

When I first started the project in 2013 I had it on my floor stand and because it is nearly three feet wide I had to work on it sideways. Friday I took it off the floor stand because I didn't have the fabric clips for it. 

This is where I left on in 2013:

When I started working on it on Friday all my stitches were wrong and I couldn't figure out why. Instead of stitching top right to bottom left and top left to bottom right it was completely opposite. I had to reverse stitch often in those ten hours! I had been doing my stitches right when I was working on it sideways but now it takes that extra bit of concentration! 

Here is where I left off on Sunday:

I have moved on to my next project but I am anxious to pick this one up again. Perhaps the next round I'll work on it for more than the minimum 10 hours. I can't wait to start stitching some of the people!

This project reminds me of Pride and Prejudice. It's only my most favourite book and movie (the BBC version). I've read P&P so much and I've watched the movies until no one but my best friend will watch it with me. I have to say that I have a 'slight' obsession with Jane Austen and almost all her where near as bad as the girl from Austenland. It's a healthy obsession and besides...there are worse things to be obsessed about!

Happy stitching and musings!

Friday 23 January 2015

Second Project Done!

I have accomplished more in the past two weeks than I have all of last year!

Percy the penguin was completed at 1130 last night!

I am now down to seven projects on my rotation chart and I will be adding Plum Pudding to the rotation after I'm done the first round. (I'll post pictures of the project once I get started on it).

Percy was the first project on my rotation that I continued to work on after the first ten hours were up. It took about 19 hours to complete it.  I was very excited when I completed it! I texted everyone a picture and posted it on a couple of the facebook cross stitch groups I belong to. 

Sprocket even wanted in on the action! He jumped up on my lap and was trying to help me with the last few stitches. I think he wanted to go to bed. 

Happy musings and stitching! 

Thursday 22 January 2015

Project Rotation Part II

I have come to an interesting part in my rotation, (other than taking a dreaded project off my list), what do I do if I'm really on a roll with a project? Do I put it aside after ten hours and try and race through the ten hours on the next projects so I can work on that project again? Do I continue to work on it until I've gotten bored with it? What should I do?

There was a project that I had nearly completed and if I hadn't put it down to go to the next project I am convinced that I would of completed it within the next couple of days. Alas, I put it aside for the project that shall not be named. It was definitely a mistake, I should of just kept going with that project. 

I created the rotation chart so I would make progress on my WIPs (Work In Progress). I refuse to have any UFOs (Unfinished Objects) this year. I want to complete projects. If I only complete three projects then great if I complete more than three even better. 

With taking the project that shall not be named off the rotation I am down to eight projects. During this round I've completed one and will complete one other so it will take me down to seven. So I could technically start two new projects but do I really want to keep adding? I've set a personal limit of nine projects any more than that and I think I would be overwhelmed. 

Perhaps I am taking this rotation chart too seriously. I know that I get bored with projects, (that usually hits at the 20 hour mark), and that will just lead to more starts and no finishes!

So here are the rules then...(with the understanding that as I am new to the rotation environment and I am allowing myself to change the rules as I see fit)

1. Always have a minimum of four projects on the go with a maximum of nine 

2. A minimum of ten hours is required on a project before I am able to move on to the next. Each ten hours will be marked with an x. If I am on a roll I can continue to work on the current project until I get bored. 

3. Always have a small project in the rotation so there is a completion every couple of rotations. 

4. No starting a new project until one is completed

5. Have fun...stitching is there to be enjoyed! Not to feel like work! 

More musings to follow...for now I'll sit, stitch and muse. 

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Percy Penguin

Since I put away the project that not be named I've picked up this one I started over the summer. When I realised I didn't have dmc 3747 I put away until I had that colour. I looked at three different stores (with the help of Heather)  and none of them had them! I had friends from the States offering to send me the colour. Another friend in town had it so she sent it to me. She wasn't sure if I had the old  dye lot or the new one so she sent one of each!!!

I have done about 45 minutes on this project so far. I love penguins, especially since seeing them at the zoo!

My girl guide friends and I are taking our sparks to a zoo and we are having a penguin sleepover! I am so ridiculously excited! I get to meet the penguins! We don't go until April so the excitement will just build from here! I'll have Percy done well before then and he will be a reminder for me about the great time we will have at the zoo!

More musings to follow!